Male urinal help after a bilateral knee surgery

My father had bilateral knee surgery.  He had several complications and set backs and had an extended stay in the hospital. Because of both knees being operated on at the same time, he had a very difficult time using a urinal. It was hard for him to sit-up, turn from side to side or even bend his knees to accommodate a urinal without spilling it in the bed. To position the urinal was also difficult due to the continuous positive motion machines placed on his legs for range of motion. My Dad was embarrassed and discouraged due to this problem. A foley catheter was not an option at this point in his care and I felt so bad for my Dad. I approached Jacque for help, and she devised the external urinary device from simple materials and it was a miracle. My father was able to use this device without once spilling the urine in the ed and the design was so user friendly that he could actually place the device himself, even laying flat on his back. From that point on, my father had almost an immediate change in attitude and his progress improved. He felt in control agian, no longer helpless. I am so thankful to Jacque and her invention for giving my father his dignity back. I know other male patients would greatly benefit from the external urinary device.”

Sincerely, Suzanne D.

You can learn more about the MUDS, a great alternative to a urinal at

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