Got Urinary Problems? Here’s What You Need to Know

As men age, something as simple as urination can become a little complicated. In most cases, urinary problems are caused after prostate surgery. These men are left vulnerable to urinary leakage when they sneeze, cough, or even stand up from a chair. In other cases, the male bladder may seem a little impatient since it suddenly demands a visit to the bathroom. Of course, urinary problems can be treated, and many doctors suggest possible medications and helpful strategies to cure them. However, the first step any man can take is to assess what triggers their difficulty.

All urinary problems signify an involuntary or accidental flow of urine from the bladder. Some cases might even involve minor ‘dribbling.’ As men age, the most common urinary problems include stress incontinence and urge incontinence. The latter is usually caused due to an involuntary contraction in an individual’s bladder muscles, leading to an overactive bladder. Sometimes, this occurs due to a long-term blockage caused by an enlarged prostate. As a result, the individual may feel an urge to urinate but will begin discharging urine before they can make it to the bathroom. On the other hand, stress incontinence signifies a discharge of urine whenever an individual sneezes, coughs, lifts a heavy object, or exerts himself in any other way. Most men suffer from stress incontinence due to problems in their sphincters or rings of muscles that contract to seal off their bladder. If these muscles are damaged or weak, then any bodily exertions may cause a leakage.

These common urinary problems and others can be easily treated with some lifestyle changes and strategies. For instance, these men can avoid beverage triggers because, in some cases, their bladders become sensitive to a particular type of beverage. Therefore, the obvious solution will be to drink less of whatever seems to be causing the problem, whether it is soft drinks, tea, coffee, or alcohol. Moreover, men suffering from urinary problems can also try going on a schedule to take some of the pressure off other times of the day. Typical schedules could include men urinating after every 2 to 4 hours. Some doctors also recommend that these individuals tighten up their pelvic floor muscles with the help of Kegel exercises. Of course, if you’re too old to do Kegel exercises or if your condition limits you to do this, you can always opt for medical devices that let you relieve yourself without having to visit the bathroom.