Great male portable urinal alternative

Who needs a MUDS?

The Male Urinary Drainage System or MUDS is designed for handicapped males or males who have difficulty Male urination problems, or just need an alternative to aMale urination problems.

However, Pilots, Truck drivers, Hunters, and Campers are  also Male urination problemscandidates for a MUDS.  The days of urinating behind a bush are about gone, unless you are way-way out in the boonies and sure that no one can see you.  I’m sure that an indecent exposure ticket is not on anyones agenda.  With a MUDS you can urinate in the privacy of your vehicle, in a private plane, or in a tent.  It could be used in a Male urination problems.  The urine is contained in a sealed container for transport to an appropriate place to dispose of the urine (of course not in the vicinity of your Male urination problems).

Try a MUDS to meet your needs for a Male urination problems

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