Dealing with Age-Related Immobility

No matter how hale and hearty you have spent the most part of your life, immobility that comes with old age becomes inevitable after certain years. There is a reason why some people think that age is itself an ailment. Age-related immobility weakens the psychological and physiological activity of a person. We will try to discern how age-related immobility impinges on and how one should try to fight it since it is the only way forward. Firstly and most importantly, immobility takes its toll on the cardiovascular health of the person. The decreased physical activity gradually weakens the muscles in every part of the body, including the heart. This eventually results in shortness of breath (because the heart fails to pump the blood the way it was used to.) The decreased movement also slows down the blood circulation resulting in fluid retention in the lower limbs due to gravitational pull, which often aggravates into the formation of abnormal blood clots.

In order to take the edge off the effects of immobility on cardiovascular health, modify your diet. Stop eating foods that even have a trace of trans-fats (bad ones.) This way, you can protect the heart from the double whammy of poor physical activity and poor food choices. Also, don’t give up the physical activity altogether. If immobility affects lower limbs, keep moving the upper ones, and vice versa. This way, you can make sure the heart remains familiar with pumping at higher rates. The most apparent casualty of immobility is the way you use the restroom. For instance, people suffering from age-related immobility can’t use the standard fixed urinals anymore. And when they do, they can’t rule out splashing that doesn’t just put their own hygiene into jeopardy but sometimes also turn into an embarrassment.

With handy portable urinals, you can get around this constraint. You can now get portable urinals that are designed to fit against the pubic area and have layered containers to ensure no spills and splashes. These portable urinals are particularly designed for people that don’t even have urinary incontinence but couldn’t use the regular urinals due to immobility and wearing motor function. Besides, immobility also leads to weight gain since the affected person stops burning all extra calories that were used up regular physical movement. Again, healthy dietary choices are really important to make sure immobility doesn’t lead to obesity. Last but not least, try to compensate for your physical immobility with increased cognitive and mental activity. It will help you in staying fresh and positive. Stephan Hawking has shown us how one should not allow immobility to bog down their intellectual abilities.