Types of Urinary Catheters and Their Side Effects

Thanks to the advent of modern devices, a regular person today is much more medically privileged than those before them. From day-to-day matters that require no serious attention to issues such as not being able to pass urine naturally, technology has found its way everywhere. Several men across the world have difficulty passing their urine naturally due to one thing or the other. However, today there are catheters that make urinary drainage for men much easier. Through this article, we aim to outline how different catheters work and what their possible side effects could be.

A standard or intermittent catheter is like a thin tube that a professional inserts into a person’s bladder via the urethra. Even though it’s temporary, the procedure helps greatly in the process of urinary drainage for men by making the urine drain into a drainage bag. However, a downside it accompanies is the possibility of developing UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections). Another catheter similar to intermittent catheters is the indwelling catheter. A notable difference between both options is that the latter stays in the same place for days and even weeks. Typically, there are two different types of catheters within this category, and they each have their own insertion technique. While a urethral catheter is inserted via a person’s urethra, the suprapubic catheter is inserted surgically through a hole below your belly button. Pain, discomfort, and bladder spasms are common side effects of indwelling catheters overall.

External Catheters are the third type that is by far one of the most advanced methods to assist the process of urinary drainage for men. This condom-like device is very easy to fit over one’s penis and helps by collecting urine and passing it from the tube to the drainage bag. However, they’re only recommended for men who don’t experience retention or blockage and are able to use the device on their own. Even though this device is a a modern counterpart of most techniques and easy to use, it also comes with its own set of risks. For one, you can’t use them for the long term, as it may increase your risk of developing a urinary tract infection, a chance of blockages in your urethra, and a possible risk to the penis because of constant friction. All in all, the three types of catheters carry their own set of risks and benefits, and only a professional can decide the right course to follow.

Urinary drainage for men

Urinary drainage for men is a catheter tube that drains urine from the male bladder. Usually, it is used by men who just had gynaecological, urological surgery or men with conditions that make urination difficult. Urinary drainage for men is usually connected to the bladder through the urethra and held in place using a water-filled balloon. This drainage catheter is connected to either a small leg bag during the day or a large drainage bag at night.

The leg urinary drainage bag for men stay hidden under your cloth, makes you comfortable with the catheter and allow you to move easily. To prevent your urinary drainage for men getting infected, you would need some material to remove or attach the bag. These materials include cleans large or leg bags, leg straps or tape, alcohol pads, cotton balls, white vinegar, water and a clean towel. To ensure you stay healthy and get the best from your drainage bags, drink at up to 8 cups of cleans water daily if approved by your doctor.

To avoid hurt or bleeding in or from the area where the water-filled balloon is located, avoid pulling or tugging on the tubing of your drainage bag.

Male Urinary Leakage Is No Longer A Problem For My Dad

I have been taking care of my dad as he has gotten into older age and he doesn’t have many other family members around to take care of him. It has been a little bit hard for our family, as we left Russia when I was little and most of our relatives are still there. Only the immediate family lives in the US and that has made it hard to have help around.

Taking care of little ones and taking care of relatives who have health issues has fallen on the shoulders of my brother and myself, but we have been doing good so far and we have been finding some great help from handy products online. Our dad has been having some health problems and we finally found a great solution.

The male urinary drainage system that we found for him online has been the best solution with his mobility issues that make it hard for him to get up and go to the bathroom. The system allows him to have something that isn’t invasive and that doesn’t cause him pain or extra hassle. Our dad has done so much for us over the years and taking great care of him in his older age is the least that we can do. The male urinary leakage is no longer an issue.

A Urinary Drainage System is Ideal for Bedridden Men

Being stuck in a bed is often something that is already quite humiliating for a man to deal with on a regular basis. Some men have trouble coping with being stuck in bed all day as is and further issues that can be caused by this can only complicate matters. To make sure that a man is able to stay comfortable in his bed, having a good way for him to urinate comfortably is a great idea.

Many men who are bedridden have catheters installed or have to use bed pans or other devices for urination. Many of these different items are humiliating and not especially great for the man and his personal pride. A better solution is to have him use a urinary drainage system that allows him to have the control of when and how he urinates while he is in bed.

One of these systems is ideal since these are great for preventing spills and leakages that many other methods might not prevent. With a system like this, a man is able to have full control over the device and how he uses it for the best comfort for him. This is something that can really help a person feel better even when they are stuck in bed.

Male Urination Problems Can Be Hard to Live With

Whether the result of surgery or just of old age, many men find that they have trouble when it comes to urination. For some men, this manifests as them having to go to the bathroom very urgently. Others find that they often have to go, but only a little comes out at a time. Both of these issues can lead to unfortunate and embarrassing accidents for men who have them.

To avoid accidents and ensure that you can go to the bathroom anywhere that you need to go, it is a good idea to try out a male urinary drainage system. These items are ones that are perfect to use on a regular basis as they easily contain urine and are perfect to have around anywhere that you go. They won’t solve male urination problems, but they can help men live a better life.

Spending some time learning about your condition and perusing medical treatment may be a good idea, but in the meantime something like this can really help to improve quality of life. Having something like this around to use to prevent accidents can really help to make life easier while you wait to find out if there are any treatments that can help you.

Finding Solutions for Coping With Male Frequent Urination

As some men get older, it can become much more challenging for them to hold their bladder for any length of time. Men have a tendency to have to urinate a lot more frequently and more urgently with age. This can of course be very difficult to deal with as it is not always possible to stay close to a bathroom for when the urgent need arises so men can often have accidents.

If you have trouble with this, it can be a bit difficult to do many of the different activities that you may have enjoyed in the past. Going on road trips or even on long drives can be something that risks you having an accident. As a solution for male frequent urination, you might want to consider getting a male urinary drainage system that you can use anywhere that you go.

This kind of a system is essential because it can allow you to go to the bathroom whenever you need to. You can even keep it next to your bed to avoid having to get up constantly throughout the night. One of these systems can really help to make it so that you are able to live a much more normal life.

Getting Control of Male Urination

One of the challenges that I have faced as I have begun to get older is that I am having a lot more trouble with my everyday functions. Urination is especially challenging since I suffer from urgency problems and have a very difficult time being able to make it to the bathroom right away. This is especially a problem for me during the night since I can’t make it to the bathroom in the dark.

Just so that I will be able to urinate without wearing an adult diaper or covering my bed in pads to soak up urine, I have been looking for some different devices to help me get control of urination on the whole. This means finding all of the right kinds of items to make sure that my problems with male urination are solved entirely.

There are some great bedside devices that can be used to make sure that I have a place where I can urinate even when I urgently need to go. Being able to have some sanitary items that can be used for this sort of thing would really help me a lot. Hopefully, I’ll be able to find the perfect items that I can use.

Objectives of the Male Urinary Drainage System

Male Urinary Drainage System

The objectives of the Male Urinary Drainage System are:

1) To provide a male urinary system for a continent male to use in any position regardless of restrictive appliances or physical deficits without significant Male urination problemsor spilling during or after use.

2) To provide a cost effective alternative to a Foley catheter or a urinal that will promote the users medical treatment plan, provide more efficient time management for medical staff and home care givers, and promote self esteem.

      The Male Urinary Drainage system will allow a continent male to urinate lying flat on their back, sitting, lying on their side, or standing without significant back-flow during or after use.  It is configured for maneuvering the actual collection system into tight spaces created by  casts, braces, etc..  It is easily used by persons with neurological deficits such as Parkinson’s or motor control deficits such as tremors.