Why using urinal can be more comfortable for some people?

Using urinal can be very helpful for people who have a mobility problem or simply cannot leave their bed to go the bathroom. Therefore, Using urinal can be an effective and an easier way.

A urinal is usually and convenient and sanitary container used to collect urine. It is shaped to fit either a man or a woman. But it is usually most common with men than women as women prefer using bedpan. Using urinal can be comfortable but it is important that you have other essential supplies when you use it including toilet papers or wet wipes. Make sure you have a place to set the urinal aside while you help with wiping or getting dressed.

When using urinal make sure also to avoid and prevent situation of splash back. In such cases a fine mist of urine, or even larger drops, may have landed on you or on your clothes. However, there is an art to proper urinal usage in order to prevent urine splash back from occurring. Always be careful how to place the urinal from the very start till to the very end in order to avoid inconvenient situations. After using urinal make sure to Wash and dry your hands well.