Why did I invent a bedside urinal for men?

Why did I invent a bedside urinal for men?

My son suffered a terrible accident that resulted in a partial body cast for over 8 weeks. I am fortunate and blessed that I had the knowledge and ability to help him during his recovery.

My son was devastated to find himself using a diaper or depending on female family members to aide with his toileting needs. So, I began developing what I now call, the MUDS. it was a lot of trial and error, but the system worked. My son was completely independent of urination with the exception of needing someone to empty the container. The MUDS became like my purse, we took it everywhere we went. My son was able to use the my alternative to a bedside urinal for men in the Doctors office, public restroom, and even in the car. When he was out of the cast, he continued to use the MUDS, especially at night, until he no longer needed crutches.

To learn more about my invention, visit mudsllc.com or go directly to our secure shopping cart at shopmudsllc.com.

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