Urinary Drainage Bags Work Well For Backpacking Trips

I spend a lot of time in the wilderness, and it is important for me to make sure that we have a comfortable and enjoyable time every time that we go out. I like to do some hard-core hiking and backpacking, and it is always nice to be able to do some of these journeys with my dad or with some of my friends who are just as passionate about the outdoors.

I like to do some epic backpacking trips and to go on journeys that are many miles long. I like to hike up to the peaks of some tall mountains or to hike up to some mountain lakes or to some pretty waterfalls. There are so many amazing hikes out there for us to do and we love to do them all the time. We like to be well-prepared for each and every journey as well.

It is nice to be well-prepared for taking on the wilderness with some supplies like the urinary drainage bags that we like to use. These bags are perfect for the wilderness environments that will be harmed if we go to the bathroom outside. We like to use these bags as a safe way to go to the bathroom and to stay clean on the hikes.

Urine Collection Devices Help Keep Bedridden Patients in Good Spirts

One of the most difficult things about being bedridden can often be the inability to urinate when you want to and the inability to actually get to a bathroom. A lot of bedridden individuals are set up with catheters, not because they don’t have control of their bladder, but because it is a whole lot easier to use these devices on a regular basis to prevent any problems with urination.

In many cases catheters are very demeaning and bedridden patients can feel down about having one of these that they have to use all the time. It can be a lot better to give these people a chance to use other devices for urination while they are in bed. Most bedridden men will still be able to use urine collection devices that can make it a lot easier to urinate at will.

These devices are ideal for those who are stuck in the hospital since they can gain some control of their lives again. This can be a really important step to healing for many people, so it is a good idea to provide options like this whenever possible. Patients tend to enjoy having control of at least this basic function as it makes them feel better about themselves.

Urine Trouble Can Be Solved with the Right Device

urine troubleAs some men get older, it is not at all unusual for them to start experiencing some problems with urination. In many cases, men find it difficult to urinate even after experiencing a lot of urgency beforehand. Being able to urinate and actually empty the bladder all of the way is something else that can really be a struggle for them. So that men are able to work with these issues, they sometimes have to be a bit creative.

While some of these problems may be caused by treatable medical conditions, others are ones that men will just have to deal with. These problems can make it difficult to go on long car trips or even to spend time outdoors fishing or hunting. In situations where you have a lot of urgency when it comes to urinating and must go when you feel the urge, some different devices can help.

Some men resort to using incontinence products in the face of urine trouble just because they cannot reach a bathroom quickly enough. There are other systems that can be used instead. You might even want to try a urinary drainage system that will allow you to urinate immediately and anywhere that you are. This system is easy to take with you anywhere.

Urinary Frequency Is No Longer An Issue For Me On Trips

I have always had problems with having to go to the bathroom frequently and it got to be a real headache for me over the years. When I was a little kid, I remember going on class field trips and doing some sight-seeing and visiting museums. I would often need to go to the bathroom often but there wasn’t one nearby and I couldn’t go during the tour. It got to be really hard to have to hold it every time and it was so painful that I couldn’t even listen to the tour guide or enjoy what we were seeing.

My frequency of urination has been a problem for me all my life and it still can get hard to not have a bathroom nearby when I am on vacation and when I am on any kind of a trip. I like to go to exotic islands and to do some jungle tours or to do some tours when I am in a nearby city. It is nice to have my urination problem solved with my new solution.

Now that I have a great male urinary drainage system to use, my urinary frequency is no longer an issue for me. This system is portable and I can easily get the relief that I need with it. The drainage system is easy to use discreetly and I now take it with me anytime that I go on vacation or go on a day trip or a backpacking trip.

A Bedside Urinal For Men Is A Hassle-Free Solution

I have been struggling with some health issues lately and I have been needing some good bedside supplies to ensure that I can stay comfortable and have everything that I need for the day. I used to struggle to have to get up and go to the bathroom because of my health issues and now I no longer have to worry about that.

A great bedside urinal was recommended to me and it has been the perfect solution to ensure that I no longer have to strain my body. The urinal is a great way for me to have the convenience that I need to have on a regular basis. The urinal is just what I was looking for and I am so glad that I found it for my daily needs.

My bedside urinal for men is easy to hang on my bed frame or even just to put on the floor. The urinal is mess and odor-free and I love using it and that is saves me so much time and so much hassle. I am so glad that I decided to take some really good advice and to start using this urinal. It helps me so much out and I can use it with one hand.

A Urinary Drainage System is Ideal for Bedridden Men

Being stuck in a bed is often something that is already quite humiliating for a man to deal with on a regular basis. Some men have trouble coping with being stuck in bed all day as is and further issues that can be caused by this can only complicate matters. To make sure that a man is able to stay comfortable in his bed, having a good way for him to urinate comfortably is a great idea.

Many men who are bedridden have catheters installed or have to use bed pans or other devices for urination. Many of these different items are humiliating and not especially great for the man and his personal pride. A better solution is to have him use a urinary drainage system that allows him to have the control of when and how he urinates while he is in bed.

One of these systems is ideal since these are great for preventing spills and leakages that many other methods might not prevent. With a system like this, a man is able to have full control over the device and how he uses it for the best comfort for him. This is something that can really help a person feel better even when they are stuck in bed.

A Urinary Drainage System is Easier to Use then Plastic Male Urinals

old manWhen a man is confined to a bed do to illness or injury, the nurses and doctors will often recommend different items that can be used to make sure that the man can urinate by himself and have control of this function still. It is so easy to be able to find different kinds of items that can work for this just because men are able to have more control over the direction of where they urinate.

One of the common solutions for urination whilst bedridden, is to give a man some kind of plastic urinal to use. Many of these plastic male urinals are items that are far too easy to spill or items that will fill up too quickly leading to spills. These are not ideal items because of the problem of them spilling, leaking, or filling before someone gets a chance to empty them.

Many people find that a urinary drainage system is one of the best solutions for a bedridden man to use since this system prevents the leaks and the spills that other systems can’t prevent. This makes this system perfect for keeping a man far more comfortable while bedridden. Finding something that really works is always better than struggling with something that doesn’t.

Using Urinal On Road Trips Is Great For Me

I tend to have an overactive bladder and I need to go often if I drink a lot. I like to stay hydrated, but it comes with a price so often for me. Even if I finish just one full drink, I tend to need to use the bathroom many times afterwards. This can be a problem when I am stuck in traffic or when I am on a road trip.

I like to do some traveling and to do some road trips a few times a year. It is nice to rent a car and to take it across the country to see my parents or to go to a national park. There are some great national parks that I have been to and that I would want to come back to again and again. I love to do some road trips with my friends.

When I am on a road trip, I can unexpectedly really need to go. It is nice for me to have a good urinal that I can use so that I can safely go and not have to worry about losing time trying to find a bathroom in a remote area. It is nice to me to have this urinal to use so I can save myself the pain of holding it for what seems like hours. Using urinal is easy and quick and a great solution for me.

Urinary Drainage For Men Works Well On Our Challenging Hikes

I love to challenge myself when in the outdoors and so does my dad and a lot of my friends. I have done a lot of very challenging hikes in my lifetime and I am always excited to take on a new challenge. There are some high mountain peaks in the area where I live and I have climbed one of them, which involved hiking in the snow and across some narrow ridges.

The hikes that I do with my dad and with my friends often involved camping out for a night or even two nights. When we have done some of our longer hikes to tall mountain peaks, we have done the whole hike in two days. We reached the base camp and camped out the first day and the next day we climbed to the peak and then came down.

Having some urinary drainage for men solutions to take advantage of during our hikes has been really nice for myself and for the people I hike with. There are times during the hike when we need to use the bathroom but it is impossible to find a good spot to go, like if we are at a rugged mountain peak. Having a good urinary drainage system to use really saves us a lot of trouble and we don’t destroy the natural habitat around us.

A Male Condom Catheter Isn’t Your Only Option

Oftentimes when people are confined to a bed, doctors try different things to make it so that you are still able to urinate in a way that is sanitary and prevents the spread of disease. Unfortunately, many of the different solutions that are out there for men are ones that can be a bit difficult to work with. Men often struggle when using bedside urinals and suffer when having catheters inserted.

Even some of the more innovative solutions like a male condom catheter can cause infections that harm a person further rather than helping them on their road to recovery. Being able to pick out the items that will really make a difference for any individual that you are working with is extremely important. In some cases, it may be best to look further than the different kinds of medical options that are readily available to you.

For men who are confined to bed, a male urinary drainage system can be an easy and sanitary method for allowing urination. A man can use this system from a slightly inclined position even when they have very limited ability for movement. Something like this may be right for men who are dealing with an injury or long term illness.

Finding Good Alternatives to a Catheter

alternatives to a catheterWhen patients are bed ridden, one way that doctors often work to control waste elimination is to use a catheter. These can be very uncomfortable for the patient and they can be humiliating as well. They also can be dangerous as they commonly cause infections that a patient has to deal with in addition to whatever their original problem that put them in bed was for.

For men especially, it is not at all uncommon to see infections develop quickly, leaving the patient to deal with more pain and suffering. This is why so many people look for some different types of alternatives to a catheter just so that they can make sure that their friends or family members don’t have to go through all of this when they are already sick or injured. Finding the right alternatives can really help to change someone’s life.

Many people have tried the male urinary drainage system and have found that this system really works wonderfully and helps people avoid using catheters. Having the freedom to eliminate the way that is healthiest is extremely important for any patient whether they are suffering through a short term injury or a long road to recovery.

Male Urinary Problems On Camping Trips Are No More With A Great Device

Going camping is something that my family and I love to do to be able to get away from our everyday stresses and to enjoy some quality time out in nature. We like to get out into really remote areas where we can just be surrounded by the beauty of nature and not by the hustle and bustle of busy city life. It is so nice for us all to get together.

We don’t get to see our kids very often, so it is great when we can spend some quality time with our kids while camping. They live across the country from us and it is hard for us to fly and see each other so our camping trips are some of the few times when we get to get together. With my frequent urination, being out in the wilderness can be tough for me.

I have been struggling with male urinary problems pretty much all my life and I found a great solution to my struggles recently with a handy device. This urinary drainage unit allows me to go in the tent without any problems and then empty my container when we get to a restroom. I love that I no longer have to walk really far or drive somewhere to go.

Using A Male Urinary Appliance Was Easy For My Grandpa

My grandpa has been having some health issues lately and he has been needing to go to the bathroom quite often. He needed a good solution to save him time and hassle and he found just the right thing for his needs which is a great urinary appliance. The appliance has been such a lifesaver for him and he loves using it every day.

With a good urinary appliance, my grandpa no longer has to worry about getting to the bathroom in time and he doesn’t have to worry about getting to the bathroom with his limited mobility. The appliance is comfortable for him to use and it has been working really well for him. He got used to using it with no problem at all.

Using a male urinary appliance has been great for my grandpa and he feels like he has so much more freedom now with it. The appliance is something that he had been needing for a long time and we are all so glad that he got it. The appliance is odor-free and it gives my grandpa an awesome way to save himself some hassle. I am so glad that my grandpa has a great solution to his everyday needs.

Testimonial from users family

Let me tell you this product is amazing! My father had just gotten out of the nursing home but couldn’t walk and at night he would wear briefs but would be lying in that urine all night long I searched a long time for an answer and finally ran across this product and it has changed my dads quality of life. I was able to mount the urinal holder right next to his bed and a battery operated light so he was able to use the wonderful urinal any time during the night and not lay in his urine anymore. I also bought another on and mounted that one in his bathroom for quick access I thank mudsllc so much for this made a huge difference in my dads life THANK YOU!

Thank you Mary for the wonderful words.  I am so happy the male urinal worked so well for your Dad.  This is exactly why I invented the Male Urinary Drainage System.

Male Urination Problems Can Be Hard to Live With

Whether the result of surgery or just of old age, many men find that they have trouble when it comes to urination. For some men, this manifests as them having to go to the bathroom very urgently. Others find that they often have to go, but only a little comes out at a time. Both of these issues can lead to unfortunate and embarrassing accidents for men who have them.

To avoid accidents and ensure that you can go to the bathroom anywhere that you need to go, it is a good idea to try out a male urinary drainage system. These items are ones that are perfect to use on a regular basis as they easily contain urine and are perfect to have around anywhere that you go. They won’t solve male urination problems, but they can help men live a better life.

Spending some time learning about your condition and perusing medical treatment may be a good idea, but in the meantime something like this can really help to improve quality of life. Having something like this around to use to prevent accidents can really help to make life easier while you wait to find out if there are any treatments that can help you.

Finding Solutions for Coping With Male Frequent Urination

As some men get older, it can become much more challenging for them to hold their bladder for any length of time. Men have a tendency to have to urinate a lot more frequently and more urgently with age. This can of course be very difficult to deal with as it is not always possible to stay close to a bathroom for when the urgent need arises so men can often have accidents.

If you have trouble with this, it can be a bit difficult to do many of the different activities that you may have enjoyed in the past. Going on road trips or even on long drives can be something that risks you having an accident. As a solution for male frequent urination, you might want to consider getting a male urinary drainage system that you can use anywhere that you go.

This kind of a system is essential because it can allow you to go to the bathroom whenever you need to. You can even keep it next to your bed to avoid having to get up constantly throughout the night. One of these systems can really help to make it so that you are able to live a much more normal life.

A Catheter Alternative Is A Great Way To Deal With Being Stuck In Traffic

I have been having some bladder problems recently and the result is I have to go to the bathroom pretty frequently. This has been a concern for me and it has interfered with my daily life as well. I live in the Seattle area and we have some of the worst after-work traffic, not to mention some bad morning traffic as well.

Being stuck in traffic is something that I wasn’t used to before, as I moved here from Iowa and did not have any traffic problems there except for some minor ones. Living in this area has made me realize that I need to be prepared for sitting in the car for long periods of time. I can really feel stuck sometimes, especially when there is an accident and a huge back-up.

I would always worry and even have panic attacks on occasion because of getting stuck in traffic for hours sometimes. Now that I found a great catheter alternative, I no longer have to be stuck needing to go to the bathroom and having no way to go. This alternative solution has given me so much peace of mind and I love having it with me in the car for emergencies.

A Spill Proof Urinal Is Perfect For Long Road Trips

I have always had trouble going a long time without going to the bathroom, I don’t know if that is because I have a small bladder or because it is easily irritated or what. I am a healthy person but I am not one of those people who can go the whole day with only going to the bathroom a few times. I used to always struggle in traffic, especially.

I like to travel and having to go when you are on a long road trip can really be a problem. I love to explore and to drive across the country with my boyfriend or to have another long journey in a car. It is so much fun to take the car and to see states that I would’ve never gotten to see otherwise and to really experience the refreshment of the road.

Finding a gas station and a bathroom can be really hard when I am on the road. I would often struggle to hold it in while finding a bathroom and it would get to be a real problem. Now that I have a spill proof urinal, all of those problems have been solved. I no longer have to worry about an accident happening in the car or having to go in the ditch. The urinal makes it easy to go when I have to and it is safe and there are no odors.

Getting Control of Male Urination

One of the challenges that I have faced as I have begun to get older is that I am having a lot more trouble with my everyday functions. Urination is especially challenging since I suffer from urgency problems and have a very difficult time being able to make it to the bathroom right away. This is especially a problem for me during the night since I can’t make it to the bathroom in the dark.

Just so that I will be able to urinate without wearing an adult diaper or covering my bed in pads to soak up urine, I have been looking for some different devices to help me get control of urination on the whole. This means finding all of the right kinds of items to make sure that my problems with male urination are solved entirely.

There are some great bedside devices that can be used to make sure that I have a place where I can urinate even when I urgently need to go. Being able to have some sanitary items that can be used for this sort of thing would really help me a lot. Hopefully, I’ll be able to find the perfect items that I can use.

Finding Alternatives to a Condom Catheter

For a while now, I have been spending time looking for some different kinds of options for my bedridden father. I know that he needs to have some kind of a device to make sure that he can urinate without getting out of bed, but the health options that we have are ones that are difficult to deal with. We have had him using a catheter in the past, but I worry about the associated health risks.

It is a real challenge for me to be able to take some time to work with my father and to help him stay as comfortable as possible. Part of this is making sure that I have the right kinds of items for him to use to eliminate without pain. For this reason, I have been trying to find some kind of alternative to the condom catheter that we are currently using with him.

There are some excellent options out there when it comes to male urination while in bed. Since my father is bedridden and ill, some of these options might be too challenging for him. I am hoping to buy a male urinary device that will give him back control over this aspect of his life and keep him healthy as well.

Excessive Urination Is Less Of A Pain With A Great Urinary Drainage System

2-bathroom-signsI struggled with excessive urination when I was little and my son has been struggling with it as well recently. My struggles hit me the most when I was in elementary school, I remember going on field trips to museums and other destinations was a huge pain. I would constantly have to go to the bathroom and the urge and pain would get so great if I tried to hold it that I would have to find a bathroom every half hour or so.

It was really hard for me to enjoy a class field trip because I constantly had to go to the bathroom and was always stressed out about there being a bathroom nearby. The same happened to me on road trips, sitting in traffic, and whenever I had to be away from the bathroom for hours. Luckily, this problem stopped naturally as I got older and I don’t struggle with it anymore.

Now that my son suffers from the same excessive urination problem I had, I have found him a great device that he can use to get some relief when he has to go. His urination urges have no longer been a problem on road trips and other occasions now that he has an easy-to-use urinary drainage system. The system is leak-free and easy to empty. It is a big help for those who are constantly having to use the bathroom.

Male Urinary Devices Free My Grandpa From Frustration

1-grandpaMy grandpa has been suffering from vision problems for a long time. He wore glasses ever since he was little and now that he has gotten into old age, his vision has been declining even more. It has gotten to the point where he is almost legally blind. With his poor eyesight, he struggles with a lot of day-to-day tasks that most of us take for granted.

Finding some helpful personal care tools for my grandpa have allowed him to have greater freedom to live independently and have freed him up from a lot of frustration as well. One of the tools he has found the most valuable is his male urinary device. This device helps him with his daily needs without the hassle or discomfort of a catheter or other alternatives.

With his male urinary device, my grandpa has been enjoying much more freedom and much less stress in his daily life. These male urinary devices have really been a lifesaver for both my grandfather and the whole family as well. There is no pain with these devices and it is easy for my grandpa to use. He loves the added comfort he gets to his daily life with his urinary device.

Male Urinary Leakage is a Common Problem

2-urinalsMany men may feel very embarrassed about different types of urinary problems that they may be experiencing. Some try to hide these different problems or just avoid talking about them in general, but it is important to know that hiding them is not going to make it so that these go away or become any easier to deal with. Men need to do what they can to actually confront these issues.

Some common problems that men may experience include issues like having a high level of urgency when it comes to getting to a bathroom or even male urinary leakage in some cases. There are different types of prescriptions that may help some men, but making it so that you have a way to urinate anywhere that you are can also help. A male urinary drainage system could be a good solution.

These items make it easy to go to the bathroom in a car or in your home without actually getting up and rushing to a bathroom. They are perfect to have around on a regular basis as they really do help you to stay healthy all of the time. A system like this can make your problem a lot less embarrassing on the whole.

A Spill Proof Urinal Men Can Use in Bed is Excellent for Bedridden Individuals

1-man-in-bedWhen my father could no longer leave his bed due to a bad infection, he had a really hard time going to the bathroom. Many of the doctors suggested that we put a catheter in to help with this problem, but I really didn’t want my father to have to suffer with this. I knew that the procedure would be very uncomfortable and that it would make him feel terrible to have to have this.

I began to look for a lot of different options that I could use just to make sure that he would be able to stay comfortable on a regular basis. We needed some kind of an option that wouldn’t allow for spilling as many bedside urinals do. After a lot of searching, I was able to find a spill proof urinal men could actually use in bed without any difficulty at all.

This was something that was perfect for my father in his condition and it was so much better than having a catheter. With a catheter, my father would have been at risk for infection and other problems. With his urinal, he was able to actually take control over his own elimination once more.

No Worry About Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections With The Right System

2-male-friendsMy good friend has been needing to use a urinary drainage system and he found a great one that works really well for him. There are a lot of advantages to using the right male urinary drainage system so that you don’t have to worry about infections or about inconveniences. After trying out a few different systems, my friend found the perfect one that he has been using for a while.

The male urinary drainage system that my friend has been using is perfect for his needs. It is easy to use and he doesn’t have to worry about catheters or any kind of invasive tools. The urinary drainage system makes it so that he doesn’t have to go through pain and so that he doesn’t have to worry about any spillage.

One of the biggest advantages of the drainage system that my friend has been using is that he doesn’t have to worry about catheter associated urinary tract infections. The system is easy to empty right into the toilet as well and it provides some great hassle-free relief for my friend. He has loved the ease of using the system and the peace of mind he gets with it as well.

My Grandpa Solved His Frequent Urination Problems With A Urinary Drainage System

1-grandpaMy grandpa is getting into very old age and he has had some health issues, including problems with having to go to the bathroom all the time. His frequent urination was a problem for him for a long time until we finally got him a male urinary drainage system that has worked beautifully for him. The system allows him to be able to enjoy life without the hassle of going to the bathroom all the time.

With his health issues, my grandpa uses a wheelchair to get around, so going to the bathroom is not the easiest thing for him to do and he needs assistance. He cannot stand up or walk around very well on his own. The drainage system that we got for him can easily be hung on his wheelchair and it is easy to use and saves my grandpa a lot of hassle.

Thanks to his urinary drainage system, frequent urination no longer keeps my grandpa from enjoying the day. He doesn’t have to figure out how to get to the bathroom and he loves that the system is easy to use and that there are no odors or spills with the system. It is perfect for him to use when he is at his home.

A Bedside Urinal is Great for Men Who Are Bed Ridden

2-bedsideWhen a man is bed ridden due to disease or injury, it can be extremely difficult for them to get up to go to the bathroom. To make sure that these people are able to eliminate with ease, many medical workers will use catheters as a solution. While these do work, they are extremely uncomfortable and often cause infection or other problems.

It is very important to make sure that you can try other options before accepting a catheter just because the easiest answer isn’t always the best one. In many cases, a man can use a bedside urinal to urinate instead saving him from having some kind of a catheter. These urinals are easy to use and are perfect to have around with bed ridden men.

These different devices are excellent since they are so easy for me to use on a regular basis. Men can simply slide to a sitting position or sit up slightly in order to go. This is a great alternative to using catheters which can cause a great deal of discomfort and even more serious problems as well. It is at least worth trying something like this first to see how it works for the person you’re caring for.

Urinary Problems Can Make a Male Urinary Device Necessary

1-muds-urinary-deviceAs men get older, it is not at all unusual for them to start having some problems when it comes to their urinary system. Many people find that they cannot hold their bladder for long periods of time and they are often getting up in the night because of this. If you have problems like these, it is a good idea to get a doctor to check you out to make sure that this doesn’t indicate a more serious problem.

Once you are having urinary problems like these, it can be extremely frustrating to deal with them. You may end up having some embarrassing accidents just because you cannot get to a bathroom quickly enough. For something like this, it may be a good idea to have some kind of a male urinary device that you can keep close to you to use whenever it is necessary.

These devices are portable which is great because this means that you can take them with you anywhere that you go. If you have to go while you are driving around, you’ll be able to pull over and go right away rather than searching for a bathroom. This kind of device can prevent all kinds of embarrassing incidents.

A Male Urinary Drainage System Gives Priceless Convenience For My Grandfather

muds2My grandfather has been having a lot of problems with incontinence and he has found a great solution and that is a urinary drainage system that has been working really well for him. The system is just what he was looking for so that he can enjoy the time that he has with his family without having problems with going to the bathroom.

The system has been such a lifesaver for my grandpa. It is discreet and it helps him to have some extra convenience with all of the health issues that he has been having lately. I love that the system gives him a good alternative to something that is invasive or to a urinal or catheter. The system is clean and sanitary and easy to use.
Everyone has been much happier ever since my grandpa got the male urinary drainage system. The system has worked really well for him and has given him a great way to deal with his incontinence problems. The system works well with his wheelchair and it can also be used with his bed frame. It is a great system for my grandpa to use and he enjoys the convenience that is gives him, which is priceless.

Bladder Training Helped Me Not Wake Up At Night To Go

muds1I used to wake up at night all the time to go to the bathroom and I finally don’t have to do that anymore thanks to my bladder training. I did some training to help me to be able to not go as often and to help me not feel the urge to go as much. I learned a lot about training my bladder and I no longer have to worry about getting up to go all the time.

It was very frustrating to have to get up to go to the bathroom all the time and I dreaded going to bed and then to get up again shortly after. I was always very tired at night and I finally got to bed to get some good rest only to wake up again afterwards to go to the bathroom. I then woke up again a few times after that to go.

After I did some bladder training, I no longer have to wake up to go to the bathroom. I now only wake up sometimes and I go once. I usually can sleep through the night now without having to get up to go to the bathroom. I am so glad that I did some training for my bladder and I can get some quality rest now.

A Great System Like a Spill Proof Urinal Bag

2 elderlyI love having the kids over whenever I get the chance. When you have grandchildren, it’s best to spend as much time as you can with them so they can hear stories I’ve picked up over the years. I love talking about the past, and the kids seem interested in what I have to say. But if I have the over, I don’t ever want them to know about my bladder issue. I have a hard time controlling it sometimes.

Luckily for me, though, I have something like a spill proof urinal bag that’s perfect for what I need it for. It’s a urinary drainage system that makes sure I never have any accidents. It would be so embarrassing to have an accident in front of the kids. But because I have this urinary drainage system, I don’t have to worry about anything.

So most of the time, the kids come over and hear my stories. Every once in a while, they’ll watch old episodes of The Price is Right with me, but I think they really do enjoy my company and my stories. I’m just glad I have a way to take care of my problem. I can rest easy knowing I have a urinary drainage system that works.

A More Sophisticated Urine Bag

1 painterI’ve always enjoyed making art come to life. My favorite hobby has always been painting, and that hasn’t changed since I graduated college. I love painting pictures of things around me. But even though I’m lucky enough to have no mobility issues, I do have something that’s a bit of a nuisance. I don’t have great control over my bladder, and that happens to a lot of people that are my age.

But because I’ve heard of a great device that helps me, I now use it whenever I’m out and about. I don’t need anything drastic because of it. The device is a lot like a urine bag, except a lot more sophisticated. And it’s very clean, easy to use, and helps me out a lot. Because I have it, I can go to places that are away from home without any concerns.

All in all, I’m glad I have an issue I can manage. I can continue going out and painting everything I see for many years to come. Even if I’m far away from a bathroom, that’s totally fine. I have a non-invasive urinary system that I can depend on no matter where I am. I keep it in the car, and I can always use it when I need it.

A Portable Urinary Device Makes Sure I Can Use the Bathroom When Needed

portable devicesSince I have difficultly holding my bladder sometimes, it can be a challenge for me to venture far from a bathroom. If I am not near a bathroom all of the time, I tend to end up having embarrassing accidents. I hate to have this happen so I try to avoid situations where I might have to be far away from the bathroom for too long.

Recently, I have been thinking about taking a road trip with my wife, but of course this problem is really holding me back. I don’t think that I can rely on their being bathrooms along every point in the road which will make it so that I cannot really go when I need to. Instead, I have been looking into a portable urinary device which I would be able to use anywhere.

It would be good to be able to have something that I could take along with me on the trip so that I could use the bathroom while being in the car if necessary. Of course, I would need something sanitary that would hold the urine well so that it wouldn’t leak everywhere. Something like this would make a great solution so that I could go on this trip.

A Sheath Urinal is One Way to Keep from Using Catheters

medical devices When someone is in the hospital and has trouble getting up out of bed fast enough to use the restroom, it is fairly standard for them to have a catheter put into their body. This is a good way for medical staff to be able to keep track of urine output and to watch for any changes. Although catheters can be good in some cases, they are not a good long term solution.

For someone who has to be in bed for a long time without being able to get up easily to use the bathroom, there are other types of urinary devices that can be used. Some people would use a portable urinal or a sheath urinal that can be used by men who have trouble getting to the bathroom quickly. These are better solutions since they are less likely to cause problems.

Catheters on the other hand can lead to nasty infections and can cause a lot of discomfort as well. It is better to look for other possibilities if it is at all possible to find anything else that you can use. Long term, different types of urinary devices are a whole lot more helpful than these catheters are.

Nosocomial Infections Can Be Avoided With The Right Home Medical Equipment

heartbeat redBeing in the hospital can lead to a lot of bad things happening. My parents are getting old and I want them to avoid being in the hospital as much as possible. My dad suffers from incontinence and he also suffers from several illnesses which have led him to be in the hospital for long periods of time. We were very happy when we found the equipment that he can use at home and stay out of the hospital.

Infections that are obtained in the hospital are fairly common. These are nosocomial infections and they can be acquired in any healthcare facility as well. With my dad’s state of health the way that it is, he has to be very careful when he is in the hospital and I do worry about him a lot. I don’t want him to catch anything that could make things worse.

Getting infections is a fact of life but we don’t have to worry about a nosocomial infection with my dad’s urinary drainage system and the other supplies that he has for home use. He can comfortably be in bed at home and not worry about invasive treatments or other remedies that he is not happy with. He loves using his drainage system and other supplies and they keep him comfortable and happy at home.

A Portable Urinal Helps My Grandpa Who Has Limited Vision

maleMy grandpa is getting pretty old and he has had a lot of problems with his health lately. His main problem is his vision. He has very poor sight and he is close to going blind. This makes everyday tasks much harder for my grandpa than they are for most people. He would get very frustrated when things that should be enjoyable became difficult.

My grandpa has a lot of handy supplies that make things a lot easier for him. He likes to use items that help him with taking care of himself. He has difficulty doing things like going to the bathroom or taking a shower, but he has a much better time thanks to the helpful devices that he has.

One of the helpful tools that my grandpa uses is a portable urinal. This urinal is easy for him to use and is made in such a way that it doesn’t let odors come into the room. The urinal is not invasive like other equipment is and it’s a great solution for his difficulties. I love that he has a lot more self-esteem and avoids pain with this urinal. I am so glad that my grandpa has this urinal that he can use easily every day.

A Nifty and Portable Urinary System Without Urinary Bags

2.5 roadtripI’m an explorer, and I’ve always been. I love going to new places in my car. But when I’m out and about, that means sometimes I don’t have a bathroom nearby. And as I age, it’s been getting tougher and tougher to hold it until I find one. Basically, it’s been more and more difficult to go on long road trips.

But luckily for me, I found out that there’s a solution to all this that is quick and easy. I don’t even need urinary bags, either. All I need is a urinary drainage system that I can take with me on the go, so I never have to be concerned with finding a toilet in time. It’s a nifty and portable system that allows me to continue with my road trip hobby, even as I get older.

So on the next road trip I take, I think I’ll visit somewhere like the Grand Canyon. Driving all the way there from here doesn’t sound like too much trouble, now that I have a solution to my issue. And since I love seeing lots of things on the way, I’m sure it’ll be great throughout the entire trip. Because while the trip includes the destination, a lot of the fun is getting there.

A Solution to Urinating Frequently

1 happy manThe amount of stress I used to have was immense. It was tough to even go anywhere with my family when my bladder was out of control. I would spend so much time on the can instead of out with my family. And as a person that has granddaughters, I’d rather spend time with them instead. But now, all of that has changed for the better.

Once I realized I was urinating frequently, I knew I needed help. I actually couldn’t do much at all without having a bathroom nearby. It was just really tough for me. So I decided to use a male urinary drainage system that works for people like me. It’s something I can take wherever I go, so I can always have a way of relieving my bladder. With something like this, I can actually spend time with my family and go out and about.

Honestly, I’m not sure why I didn’t do this sooner. It’s helped me out so much, and now I can spend quality time with people. My grandchildren are so adorable, and one’s still learning how to crawl. I’m so glad I can spend more time with them and less time near a bathroom.

Urine Collection Devices Are Good for Men Who are Bed Ridden

hospital bedWhen you are bedridden as a man, it can be a challenge to do much of anything by yourself. You may need people to help you eat and help you clean yourself. It can be very embarrassing to have someone helping you with all of these different aspects of your day to day life so having someone having to help you go to the bathroom as well can feel like too much.

Luckily there are other options that can make it so that you are able to at least urinate on your own. Many men do fine with catheters or with assistance to get to a bathroom, but for others urine collection devices may be a better option. There are different ones that you can choose from when you are facing a long term situation.

It is a good idea to look for one that is designed to prevent spills and to keep you from urinating all over the place. These will make it so that you are able to urinate in a sitting position without having to worry about making a mess. This is a great option for bed ridden men who would like to retain at least a small amount of their independence.

Urinary Drainage Bags May Not Be Necessary for You

urinary drainage bagsAfter a difficult surgery, many people end up with a catheter to help them get rid of waste from their bladder regularly. This is usually because people who have just had surgery have extremely limited ability to move around easily. It can be a real challenge getting to the bathroom so a catheter may be the best way to ensure that your bladder stays empty.

Of course, such a device with its painful catheter and unsavory urinary drainage bags may not always be necessary. Before a man is given a catheter it is a good idea to try some other methods first. Since men can easily urinate while sitting up it can be a lot easier for them to go into some other type of device saving the trouble and complication of using a catheter instead.

Since catheters can be dangerous and can cause a lot of pain and potential infection, it is always good to look into options before deciding to go with this. Many doctors will insist on catheters, but this doesn’t mean it is the very best option for everyone. Make sure you do research before surgery so that you know what is truly best for you.

Urine Trouble Is Something That You Can Find Solutions For

toilet paperUrine trouble doesn’t have to plague you all your life. I used to have lots of urine trouble, especially with frequent urination. I went to the bathroom as many as ten times during the course of an hour in the past and my urine trouble definitely caused me a lot of headaches when that happened.

Luckily, I don’t have to worry about my urine trouble anymore because I have found some good exercises that I can do in order to help me not have to go as often. One exercise is trying to hold it for as long as possible. This exercise really works and makes a difference over a period of time. My urine trouble doesn’t get in the way anymore thanks to the solutions I have found.

My Urinary Frequency Was High At Night

bedI have had urinary problems since I was a little child. I have to go quite often and sometimes I get constant urges that quickly increase in their intensity so it seems like I’m running to the bathroom all the time. I would find it hard to participate in school field trips and things of that nature because I would have to go to the bathroom all the time.

I have struggled with frequent urination most of my life. It especially happens at night. I used to wet the bed at night and that caused a lot of problems. It is very annoying when I have to go at night all the time because it breaks up my sleep cycle in all kinds of ways. My urinary frequency has luckily not been as high lately because I have found some good ways to keep it in check.

Solution for frequency for males traveling

Frequency can be embarrassing and cause decreased activity and participation in living.   If you are taking a diuretic or “water pill” , you don’t have to avoid traveling or skip your medication because you will be in the car for an extended period.

There are not always restrooms available and sometimes, by the time you get to one, you are in dire straights.  Or, you get stuck in traffic and can’t get to a restroom.  A bottle should be the last resort.  And who wants to wear a diaper or a condom catheter.

Try taking a MUDS (Male Urinary Drainage System) along.  It is convenient to utilize in the car and can be emptied at your convenience.

Try this spill proof urinal men

What makes the MUDS a spill proof urinal men?

The shape and slope of the MUDS unit is designed to assist in appropriate angle during use to promote drainage of urine.  The urine does not stay in the main unit, but drains into a container which will hold up to 2500ml of urine.

The back-flow system, along with the fact that the urine doesn’t stay in the receiving unit, reduces risk of spills, urine in the bed, carpet, or on the floor.  Urine spilled on beds and carpet promote an unsanitary environment due to difficulty and time consuming clean up.  Urine spilled on a solid floor surface is a tremendous fall risk for everyone in the household.

Decreased spills means:  decreased laundering of linens and pajamas, less time changing linens and cleaning up spills, eliminates odors from spilled urine, promotion of hygiene and cleanliness, decreased risk of a fall, and decreased risk of spreading germs.  It also eases caregiver strain.

You are in control!

You are in control!

Testimonial about this alternative male urinal – MUDS

“I recommend the urinal device Stuckato any one who has to go frequently. This device is great during traffic, long road trips and for little boys who can’t hold it. Peeople in the hospital, wheel chairs, and anyone who is handicap. This container keeps the urine sealed tight until you properly can dispose of it. This device has a flexible hose to dispose of the urine easy and mess free. Compared to the urinal cup this device is easy, flexible and convenient to use.”

Willie W.

Alternative to a male urinal – don’t skip that water pill

My Dad was on a short trip and got stuck in Dallas traffic. He takes a “water pill” and when the urge calls, he has to go—–right now.  He had to resort to using a plastic grocery bag and hope that it wouldn’t leak.
My father-in-law also takes “water pills”and has breathing difficulties. He tires easily and at times is very shaky–his hands from his medications to help him breathe, and his legs when he is feeling tired. He has to get up in the night to urinate and has almost fallen on multiple occasions.

This is just a hint of the males out there who need the MUDS as an alternative to a male urinal to help keep them from falling, promote sanitation, aide in preventing unnecessary catheterizations, and the reason I invented the MUDS in the first place, to promote their self-esteem and preserve their dignity.

Try a MUDS for your  spill proof male urinal




Independent urination for continent males

As a mother, there is nothing in this world that hurts more than when your child is hurting. My son suffered a terrible accident that resulted in a 3/4 body cast for over 8 weeks. I am fortunate and blessed that I had the knowledge and ability to help him during his recovery. My son was devastated to find himself using a diaper or depending on Mom, NaNa, Aunt Kathy, or his sister to aide with his toileting needs. So, I began developing what I now call, the MUDS. it was a lot of trial and error, but the system worked. My son was completely independent of urination with the exception of needing someone to empty the container. The MUDS became like my purse, we took it everywhere we went. My son was able to use the device in the Doctors office, public restroom, and even in the car. When he was out of the cast, he continued to use the MUDS, especially at night, until he no longer needed crutches.

Try a MUDS for your male urinal alternativeMy son in his cast.

What about this alternative to a male urinal

A Non-invasive alternative to a urinal

You are in control!

You are in control!

or Catheter for the Continent Male.

Introducing a product that can improve the quality of life for a male confined to a bed, chair, car, or any location that prevents access to a toilet or restroom for urinary relief.
MUDS is ideal for males having difficulty using a standard urinal.

The “MUDS” product is cost effective, durable, non-invasive, and easy to use.

Visit us at mudsllc.com for more information

No more spilled male urinals

The MUDS is designed to be used intermittently at each urination episode just like the traditional urinal.  The difference is that the MUDS unit seats against the pubic area and drains directly into the container that can hold up to 2500ml.  No more spilled urinals.  No more nasty urinals sitting on your bedside table.  No more spilling due to attempting to use with urine already in it.  No more spilling on your floor or bed.

Try A  MUDS for your spill proof urinal

You are in control!

You are in control!


Perfect urinal for a male with limited vision

What makes the MUDS or Male Urinary Drainage System the perfect urinal for a male with limited vision?

During the design process, the inventor took into consideration numerous handicaps.  Decreased or limited vision makes it difficult to use a urinal.  Placement or the urinal can be managed, but,  the problem occurs with the attempt to place the urinal with urine in it onto a surface after use.  It causes frequent spills. chamber withinachamber

The Male Urinary Drainage System, or MUDS, has two features that solves this problem.  One, the urine doesn’t stay in the urinating device, it drains into a container which will hold 2500ml.  This solves the spilling problem when attempting to place the urinal on a surface after use.  Two, the MUDS device has orientation ridges which allow the user to place the device appropriately.orientation ridge

This is one of the many features that makes the MUDS truly a spill proof urinal  for males with visual defecits.

Find out more about the MUDS at mudsllc.com

Easy to use alternative to a male urinal

Male urinals.   They are simple to use if you don’t have tremors, have use of BOTH hands, don’t mind them sitting on your bedside table (that you put your drink on), have great vision, don’t have any gut, and/or don’t mind if it spills and soaks into your bed or carpet stinking up your house.


You are in control!

You are in control!

or Male Urinary Drainage System on the other hand, is easy to use even if you have handicaps or deficits that make using a standard urinal less than optimal if not impossible.   It has a great spill deterrent (nothing is spill proof if you try hard enough), and is designed so that it doesn’t matter if you can see what you are doing or not.

The MUDS promotes increased independence for males who have traditionally had difficulty with a urinal.  It is a safety intervention when used appropriately to reduce the risk of falls related to nighttime frequency or urgency, shortness of breath, difficulty walking, weakness, or inability to walk alone.

Problem with that male urinal! Solution!

Problem #1 – a bedside urinal for men requires that a man have enough length to point his penis into the urinal.  As men age, pubic fat frequently envelops the penis and causes less available length to point into a urinal.

You are in control!

You are in control!

Problem #2 – he also has to maintain the appropriate angle of the urinal to prevent urine from spilling back onto him. This is very difficult, especially if the man has any sort or restrictive appliance or cast.  Urine will not run up hill and if the appropriate angle is not maintained – there goes the urine all over the man and any surrounding area.

Problem #3 – a moderate amount of dexterity is required and the use of both hands is almost a necessity.  Males who have lost one arm or have had a stroke are especially challenged.  Men with tremors are generally stable with their arm or hand against their body, but as soon as they move their arm away holding the urinal the tremors resume and making it difficult to place the filled urinal onto a surface without spilling it.

These are just 3 of the problems associated with using a male urinal and there are often limited to no solution to the problem.   The answer is in the type of male urinal utilized.  Try a Male Urinary Drainage System as a great alternative.

How does a MUDS prevent urine spills

You are in control!

You are in control!

The MUDS has three primary features that work together to prevent spilling of urine and make it a spill proof urinal.

The primary feature is that urine does not stay in the MUDS receptacle.  It drains in the container that holds up to 2500ml of urine.

The second feature is the design of the receptacle itself in that it is a chamber within a chamber.  It works similar to a liquid laundry detergent cap by preventing the urine from flowing back out of the container once the urine is in it.

The third feature is the “drip lip” which prevents dribbles of urine from spilling back on to the male during or after use.

If you need a spill proof alternative to a male urinal, try a MUDS

Male urinal solution

You are in control!

You are in control!

If you set the urinal on the floor, how many times has it been kicked over or spilled accidentally?

I have the solution for you.  A MUDS unit has a holder that can be attached to a bedrail, chairrail, or even to a bedside nightstand that you do not set your food or drink on.

If you are using a traditional urinal or other male urinal, try a MUDS as a great alternative

Mom patents device for son to be able to urinate into

M.U.D.S.,L.L.C. was started in 2004 as a L.L.C. with the intent of developing and producing the MUDS system. Jacquelin Vantroostenberghe is a Registered Nurse and the inventor and owner of the MUDS patent. Her son sustained an injury which resulted in a fracture requiring a body cast. He was unable to urinate into a traditional male urinal due to the restrictions of the cast and being flat of his back. He was in pain with any movement and embarrassed that he had to have help with urinating.My son in his cast

It was impossible to place a urinal at the right angle without urine pouring back onto him. Jacque and the occupational therapists searched catalogs, medical supply stores and pharmacies without any success finding a alternative. His only alternative at that time was to urinate into a diaper or use a condom catheter –   not an option.

And so, that is what inspired the development of the MUDS. Jacques’ son used a crude version with great success and was independent with all of his urination needs with the exception of needing someone to empty the container.

Learn more about Jacques invention that is now available to the public at mudsllc.com.

Get that drink away from your male urinal

The Traditional male urinal.


  Not much to it, right?  You just urinate into it and then, what?  Well, let’s see, most men set it on the bedside table or the floor.

If you set it on the bedside table, do you have your glass of water setting by it?  Do you set your snacks or maybe even your teeth or toothbrush on the same table?  When you use a urinal, urine and bodily excrement from the groin area is transferred to the outside of the urinal.  Then you set it on your table?  Where you put your food and drink?  Yuk.  But, what else are you supposed to do?

If you set the urinal on the floor, how many times has it been kicked over or spilled accidentally?

I have the solution for you.  A MUDS unit has a holder that can be attached to a bedrail, chairrail, or even to a bedside nightstand that you do not set your food or drink on.

If you are using a traditional urinal or other urine collection devices, try a MUDS


Victim of the common male urinal

Comment from a male urinal user in reference to the Male Urinary Drainage System:

You are in control!

You are in control!

I’m a “victim” of the common urinal used in hospitals…I was flat on my back after surgery and spilled every where.  I asked them “what would the president use?”  “one of these, or a catheter”, was the response.

I would’ve gladly paid $40 for your solution to not suffer the indignity.  I’m an engineer and thought to invent a solution as well; didn’t know about yours at the time.  Even got one moving.  However, my investigation into the matter showed that the hospital put more like a $0.40 price tag on my dignity!  I’m sure you already knew that…


Male urinal for Pilots, Truck Drivers and Hunters

Who needs a MUDS?

The Male Urinary Drainage System or MUDS is designed for handicapped males or males who have difficulty using a urinal, or just need an alternative to a male urinal.

However, Pilots, Truck drivers, Hunters, and Campers are  also candidates for a MUDS.  The days of urinating behind a bush are about gone, unless you are way-way out in the boonies and sure that no one can see you.  I’m sure that an indecent exposure ticket is not on anyone’s agenda.  With a MUDS you can urinate in the privacy of your vehicle, in a private plane, or in a tent.  It could be used in a Male urination problems.  The urine is contained in a sealed container for transport to an appropriate place to dispose of the urine (of course not in the vicinity of your Male urination problems).

Try a MUDS to meet your needs for a portable urinal.

Male urinal that can help promote self esteem

There are many reasons that caregivers might place a continent male in a diaper.  Usually, it is because they can not use a male urinal without spilling it. My son in his cast

When we put a diaper on a man or boy, it can lead to depression, decreased self esteem, and decreased participation in their care and activities of daily living, just to name a few.  It is embarrassing and humiliating whether young or old and in older men progressively leads to lack of interest in their hygiene and appearance.

A diaper should be used only for men who are incontinent (unable to control their urine flow), not for convenience or hygiene.  Diapers cause diaper rashes, and can lead to ulcers or sores as a result of the constant moisture exposed to the skin.  They require that a caregiver thoroughly clean the entire area covered by the diaper in order to remove any urine from the skin to prevent rashes, sores, and odors.  This is very time consuming and labor intensive.

If you are at the end of your rope and need an alternative to a urinal, try a MUDS or Male Urinary Drainage System before you place your loved one in a diaper.

It is a spill proof urinal that has been designed for men with handicaps or difficulty using a urinal.

Alternative to those horrible condom catheters for a continent male

My son was placed in a full length leg cast the third day in the hospital.  He continued to experience excruciating pain which prevented changes in position.

We discussed a condom catheter, but, they: 1) frequently cause irritating rashes and excoriation if the male is allergic to latex or even the adhesive 2) generally leak 3)  further degrade the person using them  4)  rarely stay in place.  So , we used the diaper to urinate into and then threw it away.

Day 4 or 5 my son was placed in a half body cast with a spica bar.  He continued to have pain, but did tolerate minor position changes.



The spica bar compounded the problem of using a urinal.  I spoke with all of the nursing staff and the Occupational Therapist concerning our problem.  No solution was found.  We searched medical catalogs and I went to every pharmacy in a 30 mile radius without any success in finding any male urinary devices that would meet my sons needs.  THIS JUST WOULD NOT DO!

Soooooo, I invented the male urinary drainage system

Alternative to a frustrating male urinal

Can you imagine how frustrating and depressing it must be to have a diaper put on you even though you  know when you need to urinate.  All because you have a temporary inability to use a Male urination problemswithout pouring it back onto yourself and making a big mess.

My friends’ Dad had surgery on both of his knees.  He was unable to get out of bed by himself because everyone was afraid he would fall.  Frequently, it was just too much trouble, and time consuming, to get him out of bed just to urinate.  He received therapy with a machine that bent his knees and then straightened them kind of like riding a bicycle.  The therapy would last for several hours.  After a few attempts at using a urinal, with the only success being that the urine spilled back onto him, the nursing staff placed him in diapers.

He was so embarrassed and frustrated.  One of the last shreds of dignity for an aging man, and even that was taken away from him.  He participated poorly in all of his care and lost the will to get better.  My friend asked if I could help.  Her Dad successfully used a Male Urinary Drainage System and was out of diapers for the remainder of his stay in rehab.  He began participating in the recovery process and she stated that his whole attitude was much improved.

Try a MUDS.  You are in control!

Why I needed to invent a new male urinal

The Doctor anticipated 8-10 weeks in a body cast.  I began to utilize tubing, bottles, and other strange supplies in an attempt to develop a system that would work.  I finally came up with a solution.  My very crude, homemade Male urination problemsworked.

We had a few small leaks due to my inability to make a sealed system, but after the first time I showed my son how to use the device, he was able to urinate by himself.  Without Mom, Dad, or Nana disposing of his diaper.  Although he was still cranky and difficult, it was not compounded by his embarrassment over the bodily function of urinating.Male urination problems

My son successfully used myMale urination problemsfor the next 16-18 weeks.  At home he was able to urinate in the middle of the night or day without depending on anyone to help him.  We took him to the Doctors office in his reclining wheelchair.  He could push himself into the bathroom, take his device out of the bag, and urinate directly into the toilet.


Requirement for a spill proof male urinal

The MUDS has three primary features that work together to prevent spilling of urine and make it aMale urination problems.

The primary feature is that urine does not stay in the MUDS receptacle.  It drains in the container that holds up to 2500ml of urine.

The second feature is the design of the receptacle itself in that it is a chamber within a chamber.  It works similar to a liquid laundry detergent cap by preventing the urine from flowing back out of the container once the urine is in it.

The third feature is the “drip lip” which prevents dribbles of urine from spilling back on to the male during or after use.

Alternative to setting a male urinal on the floor

The Traditional Male urination problems.  Not much to it, right?  You just urinate into it and then, what?  Well, let’s see, most men set it on the bedside table or the floor.

If you set it on the bedside table, do you have your glass of water setting by it?  Do you set your snacks or maybe even your teeth or toothbrush on the same table?  When you use a urinal, urine and bodily excrement from the groin area is transferred to the outside of the urinal.  Then you set it on your table?  Where you put your food and drink?  Yuk.  But, what else are you supposed to do?

If you set the urinal on the floor, how many times has it been kicked over or spilled accidentally?

I have the solution for you.  A MUDS unit has a holder that can be attached to a bedrail, chairrail, or even to a bedside nightstand that you do not set your food or drink on.

If you are using a traditional urinal or otherMale urination problems, try a MUDS.

Great male portable urinal alternative

Who needs a MUDS?

The Male Urinary Drainage System or MUDS is designed for handicapped males or males who have difficulty Male urination problems, or just need an alternative to aMale urination problems.

However, Pilots, Truck drivers, Hunters, and Campers are  also Male urination problemscandidates for a MUDS.  The days of urinating behind a bush are about gone, unless you are way-way out in the boonies and sure that no one can see you.  I’m sure that an indecent exposure ticket is not on anyones agenda.  With a MUDS you can urinate in the privacy of your vehicle, in a private plane, or in a tent.  It could be used in a Male urination problems.  The urine is contained in a sealed container for transport to an appropriate place to dispose of the urine (of course not in the vicinity of your Male urination problems).

Try a MUDS to meet your needs for a Male urination problems

Stop the indignity associated with a male urinal. Try a MUDS

Comment from a Male urination problemsuser in reference to the Male Urinary Drainage System:

I’m a “victim” of the common urinal used in hospitals…I was flat on my back after surgery and spilled every where.  I asked them “what would the president use?”  “one of these, or a catheter”, was the response.

I would’ve gladly paid $40 for your solution to not suffer the indignity.  I’m an engineer and thought to invent a solution as well; didn’t know about yours at the time.  Even got one moving.  However, my investigation into the matter showed that the hospital put more like a $0.40 price tag on my dignity!  I’m sure you already knew that…



You can learn more at mudsllc.com

Male urination problems MUDS GUY


Male urinal great for casts and restrictive devices

My son was placed in a full length leg cast the third day in the hospital.  He continued to experience excruciating pain which prevented changes in position.

We discussed a Male urination problems,  but, they: 1) frequently cause irritating rashes and excoriation if the male is allergic to latex or even the adhesive 2) generally leak 3)  further degrade the person using them  4)  rarely stay in place.  So , we used the diaper to urinate into and then threw it away.

Day 4 or 5 my son was placed in a half body cast with a spica bar.  He continued to have pain, but did tolerate minor position changes.

The spica bar compounded the problem of using a urinal.  I spoke with all of the nursing staff and the Occupational Therapist concerning our problem.  No solution was found.  We searched medical catalogs and I went to every pharmacy in a 30 mile radius without any success in finding any Male urination problemsthat would meet my sons needs.  THIS JUST WOULD NOT DO!Male urination problems

So, I invented the Male Urinary Drainage System or MUDS

Visit us at mudsllc.com for more information.

Help for male frequent urination

Male frequent urination sets up the environment for an increased risk of falls.  When hurriedly trying to get to the bathroom to urinate, the risk increases.

It is important to encourage elderly males to ambulate, but hurried bathroom trips are not the appropriate encouragement to get up out of the chair.  It increases the risk of falls and causes anxiety.

Male urination problems You are in control!

Safe alternatives for urination should be provided and ambulation should be encouraged when the male is not being rushed or hurried in order to enhance the activity and discourage a fall.

Try a MUDS.  Visit us at mudsllc.com.

Male urination alternatives

Male urination problems alternatives are many.  From invasive foley catheters to the common urinal.

The urinal has had a few improvements over the years, but the newest is the Male Urinary Drainage System or MUDS.  It is for continent men or males who can urinate on command.  It is used at each urination episode just like the outdated common urinal, but it has many features that facilitates use even for men with difficulty using the common male urinal or Male urination problems.

Male urination problems You are in control!

It was designed due to the inability to utilize a common urinal and no suitable alternative was to be found.

If your loved one has difficulty using a urinal, give MUDS a try

Alternative to the old male urinal

The Male Urinary Drainage System or MUDS was specifically designed as an alternative to the old, Male urination problems.  It will promote hygiene, self esteem, and ease care giver strain.

It will promote hygiene by deterring spills and eliminate the urinal from being placed on the bedside table.

It will promote self esteem by providing a urinary system that most males can use

regardless of deficits or restrictive appliances. It will keep the male out of diapers when related to inability to use a urinal.  It does require adequate cognitive function similar to that required to use a urinal.

Caregiver strain can be significantly decreased with the elimination of spilled urinals, the need for frequent clean ups, increased laundering of soiled clothing and bedding, not to mention the odor associated with spilled urine.

You can learn more about MUDS at mudsllc.com

Alternatives for male urinary problems

The MUDS or Male Urinary Drainage System is a innovative alternative to a urinal for a continent male.

For those of us who have loved ones with decreased ability to perform their activities of daily living such as Male urination problemsor difficulty using a Male urination problems,

we are more than willing to set up our household to promote their independence and ease of care.

When my son broke his leg, my husband went into the attic and put a large eye hook thru the rafter in the ceiling so that we could safely attach a rope with a handle.  He was able to transfer himself from the bed to a chair.

If your loved one generally only uses a urinal at the bedside, it is very easy to attach the holder to a old bedside table or end table for ease of use.

Bedside Urinal for Men requirements

Using a Male urination problemsfor men does require that the user meet certain criteria:

  1. the male must have enough length to point his penis into the urinal
  2. he also has to be able to maintain the appropriate angle of the urinal to prevent urine from spilling back onto him
  3. it requires a moderate amount of dexterity and the use of both hands

These are just 3 of the problems associated with using a male urinal and there are often limited to no solutions to the problem.   The answer is in the type of male urinal utilized.  Try a Male urination problemsas a great alternativeMale urination problems

Great male urinal for knee surgery

I can only imagine how frustrating and depressing it must be to have a diaper put on me even though I know when I need to urinate.  All because I have a temporary inability to use  a bedside urinal without pouring it back onto myself and making a big mess.

My friends’ Dad had bilateral knee surgery.  He was unable to get out of bed by himself because everyone was afraid he would fall.  Frequently, it was just too much trouble, and time consuming, to get him out of bed just to urinate.  He received therapy with a machine that bent his knees and then straightened them kind of like riding a bicycle.  The therapy would last for several hours.  After a few attempts at using a urinal, with the only success being that the urine spilled back onto him, the

Male urination problems You are in control!

used a Male Urinary Drainage System and was out of diapers for the remainder of his stay in rehab.  He began participating in the recovery process and she stated that his whole attitude was much improved.

Before you place your loved one in a diaper, give the MUDS a try.

Ultimate bedside urinal for men

My son suffered a terrible accident that resulted in a 3/4 body cast for over 8 weeks. I am fortunate and blessed that I had the knowledge and ability to help him during his recovery.

My son was devastated to find himself using a diaper or depending on Mom, NaNa, Aunt Kathy, or his sister to aide with his toileting needs. So, I began developing what I now call, the MUDS. it was a lot of trial and error, but the system worked. My son was completely independent of urination with the exception of needing someone to empty the container. The MUDS became like my purse, we took it everywhere we went. My son was able to use my alternative to a Male urination problemsMale urination problemsfor men in the Doctors office, public restroom, and even in the car. When he was out of the cast, he continued to use the MUDS, especially at night, until he no longer needed crutches.

To learn more about my invention, visit mudsllc.com.

User friendly male urinal

AMale urination problems

Male urination problems You are in control!

is not user, or caregiver friendly.  It requires the male to be continent, as does the MUDS.  However, that is where the difference ends.

A urinal is easily spilled, holds only 1000ml full (if you can fill it without spilling it), is placed on the floor or eating surface after use (yuck), is difficult to maintain accurate measurement of output, is difficult to impossible to use for some men, requires frequent linen changes and clean up if spilled, and increase the risk of falls from slipping in spilled urine.

The MUDS eliminates or reduces spills, holds 2500ml (enough for all day for most men), can be hung on a bed rail or chair with versatile holder, aids in the measurement of accurate output, easy to use unaided in virtually any position, decreases need for linen changes, and decreases the risk of falls.

The MUDS is a great alternative to any other Male urination problemsor Male urination problems.

Don’t use a diaper for a continent male!

There are many reasons that caregivers might placea continent male in a diaper.  Usually, it is because they can not use a Male urination problems

Male urination problems You are in control!

without spilling it.

A diaper should be used only for men who are incontinent (unable to control their urine flow), not for convenience or hygiene.  Diapers cause diaper rashes, and can lead to ulcers or sores as a result of the constant moisture exposed to the skin.  They require that a caregiver thoroughly clean the entire area covered by the diaper in order to remove any urine from the skin to prevent rashes, sores, and odors.  This is very time consuming and labor intensive.

If you are at the end of your rope and need an alternative to a urinal, try a MUDS or Male Urinary Drainage System before you place your loved one in a diaper.  It is a Male urination problemsthat has been designed for men with handicaps or difficulty using a urinal.

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This male urinal is for you!

The Male Urinary Drainage System or MUDS was specifically designed as an alternative to the old Male urination problems.

Male urination problems You are in control!

It will promote hygiene, self esteem, and ease care giver strain.

It will promote hygiene by deterring spills and eliminate the urinal from being placed on the bedside table.

It will promote self esteem by providing a urinary system that almost any male can use regardless of deficits or restrictive appliances. It will keep the male out of diapers when related to inability to use a urinal.

Caregiver strain can be significantly decreased with the elimination of spilled urinals, the need for frequent clean ups, increased laundering of soiled clothing and bedding, not to mention the odor associated with spilled urine.

Bedside urinal alternative

Using a  Male urination problemsfor men does require that the user meet certain criteria:

  •  1)  the male must have enough length to point his penis into the urinal.
  •  2)   he also has to be able to maintain the appropriate angle of the urinal to prevent urine from spilling back onto him
  •  3)  it requires a moderate amount of dexterity and the use of both hands

    Male urination problems You are in control!

These are just 3 of the problems associated with using a male urinal and there are often limited to no solution to the problem.   The answer is in the type of male urinal utilized.  Try a Male urination problemsas a great alternative.

Do you need a spill proof male urinal?

The MUDS or Male Urinary Drainage System is a innovative alternative to a urinal for a continent male.

For those of us who have loved ones with decreased ability to perform their activities of daily living such as Male urination problemsor difficulty using a Male urination problems, we are more than willing to set up our household to promote their independence and ease of care.

You are in control!

You are in control!

When my son broke his leg, my husband went into the attic and put a large eye hook thru the rafter in the ceiling so that we could safely attach a rope with a handle.  He was able to transfer himself from the bed to a chair.

If your loved one generally only uses a urinal at the bedside, it is very easy to attach the holder to a old bedside table or end table for ease of use.

Visit us at mudsllc.com for more information.

What makes the MUDS a spill proof urinal>?

What makes the MUDS a spill proof urinal?

The shape and slope of the MUDS unit is designed to assist in appropriate angle during use to promote drainage of urine.  The urine does not stay in the main unit, but drains into a container which will hold up to 2500ml of urine.

The back-flow system, along with the fact that the urine doesn’t stay in the receiving unit, reduces risk of spills, urine in the bed, carpet, or on the floor.  Urine spilled on beds and carpet promote an unsanitary environment due to difficulty and time consuming clean up.  Urine spilled on a solid floor surface is a tremendous fall risk for everyone in the household.

Decreased spills means:  decreased laundering of linens and pajamas, less time changing linens and cleaning up spills, eliminates odors from spilled urine, promotion of hygiene and cleanliness, decreased risk of a fall, and decreased risk of spreading germs.  It also eases caregiver strain.

Try a MUDS before you give up on a spill proof urinal.

Shape and Slope making for a spill proof male urinal

What makes the MUDS a Male urination problemsfor men?

The shape and slope of the MUDS unit is designed to assist in the appropriate angle during use to promote drainage of urine.  The urine does not stay in the main unit, but drains into a container which will hold up to 2500ml of urine.

The back-flow system, along with the fact that the urine doesn’t stay in the receiving unit, reduces risk of spills, urine in the bed, carpet, or on the floor.  Urine spilled on beds and carpet promote an unsanitary environment due to difficulty and time consuming clean up.  Urine spilled on a solid floor surface is a tremendous fall risk for everyone in the household.

Decreased spills means:  decreased laundering of linens and pajamas, less time changing linens and cleaning up spills, eliminates odors from spilled urine, promotion of hygiene and cleanliness, decreased risk of a fall, and decreased risk of spreading germs.  It also eases caregiver strain.

For more information visit MUDSLLC.com

Alternative to a diaper for a continent male.

There are many reasons that caregivers might placea continent male in a diaper.  Usually, it is because they can not use a Male urination problemswithout spilling it.

Male urination problems You are in control!

When we put a diaper on a man or boy, it can lead to depression, decreased self esteem, and decreased participation in their care and activities of daily living, just to name a few.  It is embarrassing and humiliating whether young or old and in older men progressively leads to lack of interest in their hygiene and appearance.

A Male urination problems should be used only for men who are incontinent (unable to control their urine flow), not for convenience or hygiene.  Diapers cause diaper rashes, and can lead to ulcers or sores as a result of the constant moisture exposed to the skin.  They require that a caregiver thoroughly clean the entire area covered by the diaper in order to remove any urine from the skin to prevent rashes, sores, and odors.  This is very time consuming and labor intensive.

If you are at the end of your rope and need an alternative to a urinal, try a MUDS or Male Urinary Drainage System before you place your loved one in a diaper.

My search for a male urinal that works.

My son was placed in a full length leg cast the third day in the hospital.  He continued to experience excruciating pain which prevented changes in position.

Male urination problems You are in control!

We discussed a Male urination problems, but, they: 1) frequently cause irritating rashes and excoriation if the male is allergic to latex or even the adhesive 2) generally leak 3)  further degrade the person using them  4)  rarely stay in place.  So , we used the diaper to urinate into and then threw it away.

Day 4 or 5 my son was placed in a half body cast with a spica bar.  He continued to have pain, but did tolerate minor position changes.

The spica bar compounded the problem of using a urinal.  I spoke with all of the nursing staff and the Occupational Therapist concerning our problem.  No solution was found.  We searched medical catalogs and I went to every pharmacy in a 30 mile radius without any success in finding any Male urination problemsthat would meet my sons needs.  THIS JUST WOULD NOT DO!

Soooooo, I invented the Male urination problems

Prevent spills – New spill proof male urinal

How does the Male Urinary Drainage System, or MUDS,  prevent spills?

Male urination problems You are in control!


The MUDS has multiple spill preventative features.  One, is that the urine doesn’t stay in the urine receiving unit, it drains into a container which holds up to 2500ml of urine.  The large corrugated tubing prevents kinks and allows the urine to drain almost immediately into the container.  You can’t spill urine that is not stored in the receptacle that receives the urine.

If you are looking for a spill proof male urinal, try a MUDS!  You are in control!

Solution for frustration and depression with using a male urinal

Can you imagine how frustrating and depressing it must be to have a diaper put on you even though you  know when you need to urinate.  All because you have a temporary inability to use a Male urination problemswithout pouring it back onto yourself and making a big mess.

My friends’ Dad had surgery on both of his knees.  He was unable to get out of bed by himself because everyone was afraid he would fall.  Frequently, it was just too much trouble, and time consuming, to get him out of bed just to urinate.  He received therapy with a machine that bent his knees and then straightened them kind of like riding a bicycle.  The therapy would last for several hours.  After a few attempts at using a urinal, with the only success being that the urine spilled back onto him, the nursing staff placed him in diapers.

He was so embarrassed and frustrated.  One of the last shreds of dignity for an aging man, and even that was taken away from him.  He participated poorly in all of his care and lost the will to get better.  My friend asked if I could help.  Her Dad successfully used a Male Urinary Drainage System and was out of diapers for the remainder of his stay in rehab.  He began participating in the recovery process and she stated that his whole attitude was much improved.

Try a MUDS.  You are in control!

Solution for male urination in a body cast.

The Doctor anticipated 8-10 weeks in a body cast.  I began to utilize tubing, bottles, and other strange supplies in an attempt to develop a system that would work.  I finally came up with a solution.  My very crude, homemade urinary drainage system worked.

We had a few small leaks due to my inability to make a sealed system, but after the first time I showed my son how to use the device, he was able to urinate by himself.  Without Mom, Dad, or Nana disposing of his diaper.  Although he was still cranky and difficult, it was not compounded by his embarrassment over the bodily function of urinating.

My son successfully used my Male urination problemsfor the next 16-18 weeks.  At home he was able to urinate in the middle of the night or day without depending on anyone to help him.  We took him to the Doctors office in his reclining wheelchair.  He could push himself into the bathroom, take his device out of the bag, and urinate directly into the toilet.


You are in control!

You are in control!

Spill Proof Male Urinal

The MUDS has three primary features that work together to prevent spilling of urine and make it a spill proof male urinal.

The primary feature is that urine does not stay in the MUDS receptacle.  It drains in the container that holds up to 2500ml of urine.

The second feature is the design of the receptacle itself in that it is a chamber within a chamber.  It works similar to a liquid laundry detergent cap by preventing the urine from flowing back out of the container once the urine is in it.

The third feature is the “drip lip” which prevents dribbles of urine from spilling back on to the male during or after use.

In the hospital and unable to use the old standard male urinal?

My son was placed in a full length leg cast the third day in the hospital.  He continued to experience excruciating pain which prevented changes in position. Male urination problems

We discussed a Male urination problems, but, they: 1) frequently cause irritating rashes and excoriation if the male is allergic to latex or even the adhesive 2) generally leak 3)  further degrade the person using them  4)  rarely stay in place.  So , we used the diaper to urinate into and then threw it away.

Day 4 or 5 my son was placed in a half body cast with a spica bar.  He continued to have pain, but did tolerate minor position changes.

The spica bar compounded the problem of using a urinal.  I spoke with all of the nursing staff and the Occupational Therapist concerning our problem.  No solution was found.  We searched medical catalogs and I went to every pharmacy in a 30 mile radius without any success in finding any Male urination problemsthat would meet my sons needs.  THIS JUST WOULD NOT DO!

So, I invented the Male Urinary Drainage System or MUDS.

Visit us at mudsllc.com to learn more.

What is the price tag on your dignity?

Comment from a male urinal user in reference to the Male Urinary Drainage System:

I’m a “victim” of the common urinal used in hospitals…I was flat on my back after surgery and spilled every where.  I asked them “what would the president use?”  “one of these, or a catheter”, was the response.

I would’ve gladly paid $40 for your solution to not suffer the indignity.  I’m an engineer and thought to invent a solution as well; didn’t know about yours at the time.  Even got one moving.  However, my investigation into the matter showed that the hospital put more like a $0.40 price tag on my dignity!  I’m sure you already knew that…



Who can benefit from a Male Urinary Drainage System?

Who needs a MUDS?

The Male Urinary Drainage System or MUDS is designed for handicapped males or males who have difficulty Male urination problems, or just need an alternative to a Male urination problems.

Male urination problems You are in control!

However, Pilots, Truck drivers, Hunters, and Campers are  also candidates for a MUDS.  The days of urinating behind a bush are about gone, unless you are way-way out in the boonies and sure that no one can see you.  I’m sure that an indecent exposure ticket is not on anyones agenda.  With a MUDS you can urinate in the privacy of your vehicle, in a private plane, or in a tent.  It could be used in a Male urination problems.  The urine is contained in a sealed container for transport to an appropriate place to dispose of the urine (of course not in the vicinity of your Male urination problems).

Try a MUDS to meet your needs for a Male urination problems.

A new male urinal

The Traditional Male urination problems.  Not much to it, right?  You just urinate into it and then, what?  Well, let’s see, most men set it on the bedside table or the floor.

If you set it on the bedside table, do you have your glass of water setting by it?  Do you set your snacks or maybe even your teeth or toothbrush on the same table?  When you use a urinal, urine and bodily excrement from the groin area is transferred to the outside of the urinal.  Then you set it on your table?  Where you put your food and drink?  Yuk.  But, what else are you supposed to do?

If you set the urinal on the floor, how many times has it been kicked over or spilled accidentally?

I have the solution for you.  A MUDS unit has a holder that can be attached to a bedrail, chairrail, or even to a bedside nightstand that you do not set your food or drink on.

If you are using a traditional urinal or other Male urination problems try a MUDS.

I am a Mom. I invented a bedside urinal for males.

As a mother, there is nothing in this world that hurts more than when your child is hurting. My son suffered a terrible accident that resulted in a 3/4 body cast for over 8 weeks. I am fortunate and blessed that I had the knowledge and ability to help him during his recovery.Male urination problems

My son was devastated to find himself using a diaper or depending on Mom, NaNa, Aunt Kathy, or his sister to aide with his toileting needs. So, I began developing what I now call, the MUDS. it was a lot of trial and error, but the system worked. My son was completely independent of urination with the exception of needing someone to empty the container. The MUDS became like my purse, we took it everywhere we went. My son was able to use the my alternative to a bedside urinal for men in the Doctors office, public restroom, and even in the car. When he was out of the cast, he continued to use the MUDS, especially at night, until he no longer needed crutches.

To learn more about my invention, visit mudsllc.com

Replace that impossible to use male urinal

Male urination problems You are in control!

A male urinal is not user, or caregiver friendly.  It requires the male to be continent, as does the MUDS.  However, that is where the difference ends.

A urinal is easily spilled, holds only 1000ml full (if you can fill it without spilling it), is placed on the floor or eating surface after use (yuck), is difficult to maintain accurate measurement of output, is difficult to impossible to use for some men, requires frequent linen changes and clean up if spilled, and increase the risk of falls from slipping in spilled urine.

The MUDS eliminates or reduces spills, holds 2500ml (enough for all day for most men), can be hung on a bed rail or chair with versatile holder, aids in the measurement of accurate output, easy to use unaided in virtually any position, decreases need for linen changes, and decreases the risk of falls.

The MUDS is a great alternative to any other portable urinary device or spill proof urinal.

Alternative to a urinal for a continent male

Male urination problems You are in control!

The MUDS or Male Urinary Drainage System is a alternative to a urinal for a continent male.

For those of us who have loved ones with decreased ability to perform their activities of daily living such as Male urination problemsor difficulty using a Male urination problems, we are more than willing to set up our household to promote their independence and ease of care.

When my son broke his leg, my husband went into the attic and put a large eye hook thru the rafter in the ceiling so that we could safely attach a rope with a handle.  He was able to transfer himself from the bed to a chair.

If your loved one generally only uses a urinal at the bedside, it is very easy to attach the holder to a old bedside table or end table for ease of use.

Try a MUDS before you give up on a spill proof urinal

What makes the MUDS a Male urination problems?

The shape and slope of the MUDS unit is designed to assist in appropriate angle during use to promote drainage of urine.  The urine does not stay in the main unit, but drains into a container which will hold up to 2500ml of urine.

The back-flow system, along with the fact that the urine doesn’t stay in the receiving unit, reduces risk of spills, urine in the bed, carpet, or on the floor.  Urine spilled on beds and carpet promote an unsanitary environment due to difficulty and time consuming clean up.  Urine spilled on a solid floor surface is a tremendous fall risk for everyone in the household.

Decreased spills means:  decreased laundering of linens and pajamas, less time changing linens and cleaning up spills, eliminates odors from spilled urine, promotion of hygiene and cleanliness, decreased risk of a fall, and decreased risk of spreading germs.  It also eases caregiver strain.

Try a MUDS before you give up on a spill proof urinal.Male urination problems

Prevent common problems with using a male urinal

Male urinals are difficult, at best, to use.  Frequently male anatomy changes with age.  The penis sometimes envelops into pubic fat, reducing length and making it hard to point the penis into a urinal.  Frequent misses are common and spilling after use is easy to do.  Then, the urinal has urine in it and you need to use it again.  Of course, there is no one to empty it for you or they are not timely enough and you attempt to use it again with urine already in it.  Now a difficult task becomes even harder, resulting in spills.

The Male Urinary Drainage System is designed to prevent these common problems with a urinal.  It is designed to seat against the pubic area solving many of the problems associated with a urinal.  The urine drains immediately into a storage container which can hold up to 2500ml before requiring emptying, eliminating the need for someone to empty the urinal at each urination episode.  It has multiple features that promote a spill proof urinal for a continent male.

Try the MUDS before you give up on using a urinal

Male urination problems You are in control!